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Local SEO Tactics and Digital Marketing Strategies

May 28, 2021

Jesse is going solo on this Beer Friday episode with a pint o’ Guinness and some Google Stacks talk. Jesse explains how to utilize Google Stacks while avoiding being “spammy” to improve your website's SEO. This episode discusses the importance of building a network of information for Google to draw from to better...

May 27, 2021

Bob, Jesse and Sue discuss the value of using domain name keywords in improving the SEO of your business. As Jesse says in the episode, “a rose by any other name isn’t going to get found in a Google search!” The team discusses the importance of owning your keywords and staying true to those targets to help your...

May 21, 2021

Jesse’s going solo for this dive into the world of Web 2.0 - What is it, why is it, and what can you do with it? Jesse gives you tips to take advantage of the engaging nature of Web 2.0 sites and how these sites can help you in your SEO strategy and help you bring attention to your business. There are too many...

May 21, 2021

Google's new algorithm update is here! How does this update affect your SEO? Is this another massive change like "Mobilegeddon" of years past, or something much easier to deal with? Listen today to learn more about the update and what you can do to protect yourself from this and future Google algorithm changes!


May 14, 2021

In this episode we celebrate our landmark 100th episode by giving our listeners a unique opportunity to get to know our team better with an interview of our client success specialist, Sue Ginsburg. Sue discusses her passion for learning and in keeping up with trends in marketing and business, and how this passion lead...