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Local SEO Tactics and Digital Marketing Strategies

Oct 21, 2021

If you have multiple business locations, should you have multiple websites? Or is it better to have location pages? In this episode of Local SEO Tactics, Bob, Jesse, and Sue discuss the advantages of using landing pages as opposed to different websites to improve your SEO. By utilizing landing pages for your...

Oct 13, 2021

Jesse gives a refresher on your basic website SEO checklist to make sure that you’re hitting all the right areas! From reassessing your domain name to keyword research and more, this episode will help you to create meaningful goals for your SEO to improve your online ranking and more. 

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Oct 5, 2021

In this episode, Bob, Jesse and Sue discuss the value of creating driving directions for clients looking to get to your business. By creating a map and embedding it into your website, you not only service your clients, but also feed the Google machine to improve your SEO! This is one small change that can provide a big...