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Local SEO Tactics and Digital Marketing Strategies

Jan 26, 2021

On this episode, Bob and Jesse discuss the importance of checking your website on mobile devices. They explain the best way to check your website on mobile and what a mobile friendly website generally looks like. The pair also take the time to introduce the new producer on the show, and to encourage listeners to vote...

Jan 18, 2021

On today's show, Bob and Jesse talk about an often overlooked feature of your Google My Business page, your own custom website! The pair talk about the ease of use, the importance of this website as another piece of content for Google to examine, and how powerful this extremely low-effort addition to your GMB can...

Jan 8, 2021

So you've made a beautiful website, and you're getting traffic, but it seems folks don't stay long. That's your bounce rate, and the lack of retaining your customer's attention is hurting your business! Today we discuss how to look at Google Analytics to find your weak performing landing pages and address those issues...