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Local SEO Tactics and Digital Marketing Strategies

Jan 31, 2020

In this episode, we will go over two important aspects of properly positioning and optimizing your Google My Business Listing (GMB Listing).  The first topic is how to identify your primary digital competitors, who may be different than the historical competitors you are aware of!  The second topic is how to peek under...

Jan 23, 2020

Joe Anderson of Metaphor Creations is back for part 2 in our discussion about website speed and optimization.  We'll go over page caching for your website, to understand how a cache works, and how using a page cache plugin can speed up your website.  We'll also dig into plugins, for what makes them great and what makes...

Jan 14, 2020

Joe Anderson of Metaphor Creations is back on the show this week, and this time we're talking about website speed. Specifically, we're talking about how to improve the speed of your Wordpress website.  This is part 1 of a two-part interview with Joe, and in this half, we're going to cover web hosting and using a...

Jan 8, 2020

We're talking about the Google Posts feature within your Google My Business (GMB) listing this week.  Previously we discussed the various types of Google Posts you can leverage, but in this episode, we take a deeper look into the "standard" Google posts option.  This is a powerful method to quickly communicate to Google...

Jan 1, 2020

How To Get More Reviews On Your Google My Business Listing

For this week we're talking about reviews again.  Specifically, we're talking about how to get even more reviews on your Google My Business listing.  Just being passive and asking a customer to leave a review, or contacting them a few days after the sales...