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Local SEO Tactics and Digital Marketing Strategies

Jan 23, 2020

Joe Anderson of Metaphor Creations is back for part 2 in our discussion about website speed and optimization.  We'll go over page caching for your website, to understand how a cache works, and how using a page cache plugin can speed up your website.  We'll also dig into plugins, for what makes them great and what makes them dangerous!  Keep your site running smoothly by following these best practices and helpful tips.

What You'll Learn

  • What caching is and how to use caching on your website
  • Use page caching to make future visits to your web page very fast for users
  • Use WordPress plugins to minimize your script and make your site load faster
  • Using minimizing plugins can help but you must be careful and test your site afterwards
  • When choosing plugins for WordPress make sure you choose quality plugins from known developers
  • If plugins are making your website slow, you can disable plugins to determine the culprit
  • Keeping your plugins updated will ensure your site is free of errors eliminates security holes

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